Getting Started
- Animated Number
- Auto Submit
- Carousel
- Character Counter
- Chartjs
- Checkbox Select All
- Clipboard
- Color Picker
- Confirmation New
- Content Loader
- Dialog
- Dropdown
- Glow
- Lightbox
- Notification
- Password Visibility
- Places Autocomplete
- Popover
- Prefetch
- Rails Nested Form
- Read More
- Remote Rails
- Reveal Controller
- Scroll Progress
- Scroll Reveal
- Scroll To
- Sortable
- Sound
- Textarea Autogrow
- Timeago
Install the package
Terminal$ yarn add stimulus-glow
Register the controller in your application
app/javascript/controllers/index.jsimport { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus' import Glow from 'stimulus-glow' const application = Application.start() application.register('glow', Glow)
Chicken Shawarma & Veggies
Vitae ducimus harum earum ratione autem esse ea!

How it works
The concept of the effect is to clone an element, the overlay, and applying a CSS mask with a radial-gradient
property that follow the mouse.
Every element that has a glow
class will be revealed by the mask but not the rest.
TailwindCSS is required to use this CSS, because we will use a custom variant to limit the glow effect to the overlay.
In your tailwind.config.js
file, add this plugin:
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin")
module.exports = {
content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{js,ts}"],
plugins: [
({ addVariant }) => {
addVariant("glow", ".glow-capture .glow-overlay &")
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
glow: "color-mix(in srgb, var(--glow-color) calc(<alpha-value> * 100%), transparent)",
Now in your CSS, add this class:
.glow-overlay {
--glow-size: 25rem; /* Change the size of the glow effect here */
position: absolute;
inset: 0;
pointer-events: none;
user-select: none;
opacity: var(--glow-opacity, 0);
mask: radial-gradient(
var(--glow-size) var(--glow-size) at var(--glow-x) var(--glow-y),
var(--glow-color) 1%,
transparent 50%
transition: 400ms mask ease;
will-change: mask;
Here is a simplified version of the minimum markup you need:
<div data-controller="glow" class="relative glow-capture">
<div data-glow-target="child" class="glow glow:ring-1 glow:border-glow glow:ring-glow glow:bg-glow/[.15]">
<h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-200 glow:text-glow/[.8]">Chicken Shawarma & Veggies</h2>
<p class="text-sm text-gray-300 glow:text-glow">Vitae ducimus harum earum ratione autem esse ea!</p>
<button class="glow:text-glow glow:border-glow glow:ring glow:ring-glow">Add to cart</button>
<div data-glow-target="overlay" class="glow-overlay" style="--glow-color: #f97316"></div>
I suggest you the inspect the index.html of the demo for a complete example.
Extending Controller
You can use inheritance to extend the functionality of any Stimulus component:
import Glow from "stimulus-glow"
export default class extends Glow {
connect() {
console.log("Do what you want here.")
This controller will automatically have access to targets defined in the parent class.
If you override the connect
, disconnect
or any other methods from the parent, you'll want to call super.method()
to make sure the parent functionality is executed.